15: Always Cast Vision

Key Passage

Then the LORD replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.

Habakkuk 2:2

From the 20 Practices of Disciplemakers:

Discipling someone is helping them to see a vision beyond themselves: a dream of giving their life to serve the greater vision of God's Kingdom.

So I would encourage you always to cast vision. Every opportunity is an opportunity to help someone see a greater perspective of the Kingdom: a lost community, a broken person, an unreached people group, a world in desperate need of a Saviour.

And by casting vision, you help them see their part in the bigger picture: one who brings healing, sets the captives free, goes, calls, gathers, multiplies…

People often do not give themselves entirely to God because we entertain them with Christianity rather than challenge them to obey God's call. The more you cast vision with those you disciple, the more they will be expansive and push back the gates of hell to see the Kingdom of God come on earth as it is in heaven.

Take time to write down the vision you are carrying:


16: Focus on the Four Loves


14: Disciple People Towards Jesus