26: Encourage Ministry Participation Early

Key Passage

He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves.

Luke 10:2-3

The above verse, which depicts Jesus sending out his first disciples on short-term mission, highlights His commitment to releasing disciples into ministry early in their faith journeys.

From the 20 Practices of Disciplemakers:

Luke 10 was a big ask for Jesus' young disciples.

Can you imagine being only one or two years old in the Lord and being tasked to go to the towns and cities that Jesus was coming to and preparing the way? I know several leaders in the church who expect those they release to have many years of time in church, a theology degree, and perhaps a leadership school behind them before they are released to minister!

Jesus did not do this. He was released early. Research shows that the best way to mature believers is not through courses or programs. It is through active ministry.

In his brilliant leadership book, The Making of a Leader, Robert Clinton explains how we all enter into leadership through what he calls a Ministry Maturing Phase. Here we are given a ministry task or challenge by someone who is leading or discipling us. This phase is more about what God is doing in us than what he is doing through us. This early ministry participation is a vital aspect of growing as a disciple.

Having someone to process the highs and lows of this season is God's way of discipling us into His likeness.


27: Create New Rhythms for Living


25: Disciple in Community