18: Teach to Share Faith
Key Passage
I pray that you be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.
Philemon 6
From the 20 Practices of Disciplemakers:
I've heard it said that religion is a private matter. Well, thank Jesus that it is not; otherwise, I would never have come to know Him! It should be personal but never private.
Sharing one's faith is an essential step towards discipleship maturing. Faith- filled followers of Jesus tell those who don't know Him about Him. They are compelled by love to share the good news.
Coach new disciples how to share their testimony in one-minute and five-minute punchy stories about their life before Jesus, their encounter with the Lord of life, and their new life in Christ. Encourage them to tell their testimony every week, several times a week. Help them to know how to take conversations further with spiritually hungry people and assist them in handling rejection. Share in the joy as they pray with someone who submits their whole life to Jesus. These are all vital steps in discipling someone.
Lastly, are you doing it? We can never disciple something in others that we are not doing ourselves.
Why not commit to the Lord to be diligent at sharing your faith regularly?