19: Multiplication Beyond the 4th Generation
Key Passage
What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.
2 Timothy 2:2
From the 20 Practices of Disciplemakers:
In 2 Timothy 2:2, we read how Paul encouraged Timothy to teach the truths he heard from Paul to reliable men who would, in turn, teach others (four generations of believers).
Herein lies the fundamental principle of multiplication. Simply put, we cannot reach the world with a philosophy of addition to churches. We must teach those we disciple to multiply themselves by teaching others to do the same. We aim to go beyond the 4th generation of believers (as this Scripture teaches us) to develop a movement of people to Jesus that is no longer in our control as the one who started it. Yes, we are looking for things to go beyond our control! Out of man's control means that the movement is firmly in God's control.
Remember, He is more committed to His vision than you are.
Read through 2 Timothy 2:2 with those you are discipling, discuss the principle of multiplication vs. addition. Do an exercise of what the reach looks like over ten years, and you'll be forever convinced that this little principle is one of the key ingredients to healthy disciple-making movements.